A Game that will go down as one of the Greats.
When you first come to America you start with little to nothing and only fifty dollars in your pocket as you progress through the game you get more girls, you make more, money and you get your self in to whole lot more trouble. You end up to the same run of the mill jobs as you usually do in any Grand Theft Auto game but somehow those game makers at rockstar can make moldy cereal into a buffet of delicious deserts. This ran mostly by not the missions but the actually characters in the game as they progress with you on your journey through Liberty City.
The graphics in this game are just like pretty much every other X360 game amazing, but with that being said they would not be very much if you did not have the amazing characters to run it. The sunsets and night are one of the most awe inspiring weather effects you will see in a game. The cars and building look just as beautiful, the only problem with the building are that you want to go and see what is inside them all but you just can't.
The game play for the latest Grand Theft Auto 4 is also a new feature that keeps an almost new-old device of game play going. For example in this game you have to make decisions that affect the people around you and yourself. This leaves you sometimes unsure of the decision to make with each having both their pros and cons. This pushes the game forward to a speed which sometimes blazing, but in truth it also makes it very emotional and compelling story to play out.
Going around stealing cars, selling drugs, and killing targets for money is not the only thing you can do in liberty city this time around; going out with friends opens new doors to new experiences and more fun, from bowling to going out drinking it is just a blast. This also gets you new friends and allows for special abilities to be unlocked as you play. Another fun thing added to the game is the internet. In Grand Theft Auto 4 the internet plays a vital role in several missions, it also gives you some fun things to do when you have nothing better to do and just laugh at some of the stuff.
Grand Theft Auto 4 is a great game and with all of its new and improved features it is sure to make it on any ones list for games to get, have, or love. This game left me deeply impacted with thoughts on life what it is about and how we live our everyday lives. It is compelling and it leaves a lot to be wanting after you finish that last cut scene. On my list Grand Theft Auto 4 gets a 10/10 sure it sounds cliché to just do that but the game really, really deserves it.