Numba 1 game 4 psp. I'm telling you, this is a must have! GRAND THEFT AUTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.1 | Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (Greatest Hits) PSP
Aight! GTA: Liberty City Stories! Damn, I got this game and i gotta say this game is bangin' it looks exactly as GTA III. This game is off the hook because can go to same places, same secret areas etc. as GTA III. Also, the soundtrack is pretty good. "Big Pun-Beware" is my favorite song. They got Jam Radio, all that in the game. The Mission are good not PERFECT because in all the other GTA games work for different gangs and/or different people. Like GTA III for example. You work for triads, mafia, yardies, diablos, yakusi etc. Vice City, You work for hatians, cubans, that angry fat cuban, etc. San Andreas, ok , now i know that a grove street for life in this game, but still, you can work for mad different people. Wuzi (leader of asian gang), Cesar, Maria ( your girlfriend who shoot you in the beginning from grand theft auto III ) mad people. Liberty City Stories, work for the mafia THAT'S IT! Don Salvatore, Donald Love, etc. people who connect with the mafia. But, still it's hot though. It's worth the buy and mad gang wars!