Best handheld game ever,will keep you busy and entertained for a long period of time of the highest quality of gameplay.
Like all gta games you start off small working for one of the dons henchmen
driving his goons to work and rescuing them but then you start getting missions from the don himself like taking on dealers in the docks, scaringhis enemies, and fighting in wars against certain gangs.
Besides the story missions fans of the gta series' should know that its only half as fun as the side missions like insane stunts, hidden packages to find,rampages, and lots of other gta classics like dirt-biking and drag racing.
Overall GTA:LCS is one of the best handheld games ever,its like having gta in the palm of your looks great,sound is good with headset,gameplay is awsome value is affordable and lifespan is astonishing with multiplayer via wi-fi to play with friends in races,deathmatches and sevral other great and fun things.
Once again rockstar games has put a line between good games and bad games, this time its handheld.