This game can save your psp, it saved mine
Simply put this game is amazing, the graphics are almost as good as the console versions: it shares the same draw in distance issues but they are managable. IN terms of gameplay, this game is a very solid 9, the only compliants I have is that 1.)the psp joystick is hard for making small adjustments which matters on missions where you actually have to aim the reticule 2.)sometimes when you are in a mission or rampage where you have to kill a specific person on the crowded streets when you press the right trigger to auto aim, you somtimes start shooting random people which may allow the target to get away. The targeting system overall however is fantastic, its just like the San Andreas one which i say is the best yet, Right trigger is lock on, O is to shoot, and pressing right and left on the D-pad change your target in that direction. the driving is pretty great as well, some cars take a while to get used to because the dont handle as well as say a motercycle but once you get the hang of when to use the differnet types of brakes, you can start to pull off some seriously nasty driving manuvers that make you feel like a rockstar, especially if you do one during a driving mission. The graphics, like a I already mentioned, are amazing in terms of psp capability although the detail of some things like pedestrians faces anrt that great you never really notice. its very immersive as well, you really can tell when you change nieghborhoodsand u definatly feel like your in the slums when your walking around the Red Light District. Now for sound, Im not much of a sound guy but the radio stations are pretty awsome although they dont really have a rock station so i usually listen to K-Jah or THe LIberty Jam which are reggae and Rap respectively. The Value of this game is throught the roof, its one of those games where when your not playing it youll be thingking of playing it also when you get stuck theres almost always at least 1 or 2 other main story quests availible not to mention the countless side quests and hidden tasks. Ive played about 10 hours so far and im not even near the end of Portland (the first island) im about 12% done the game which is very small for 10hours (granted completing the main story gives you only 50% completion). For my tilt i give this game a 10 all the way the only real complaints i have are that the joysitck isnt good for small adjustments and a little problem with the trgeting system every once in a while. This game is great, buy this game, you will not regret it, the only thing i regret is renting it,i should have bought it right away.