Most have game for the PSP. No longer is it a paper weight

User Rating: 8.6 | Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (Greatest Hits) PSP
Omg!!!! I know the game has been out for a few weeks. Funds were low and I couldnt decide what games to turn in to get my hands on this GTA title. Honestly, as sad I was turning in my games this games was freakin worth it. I've been playing it non-stop. Im so addicted Im telling you if you own a PSP. Stop using it as a paper weight and a glorified portable dvd player and get this game. You will not be sorry at all because it's so amzaing. The voice acting is so on point but when is GTA not on point with the voice acting. The graphics are somewhat flat at time and the rain scenes, could be done without. Only real compliant that I've is driving with the PSP little analog stick, I felt a little strange getting use to turning without totally busting up my ride. The missions are easy and flow perfectly into the next one. The mini games are so just fun from being a taxi and delivery guy.