This game is simply amazing........
Graphics: Same GTA style graphics, that includes the usual hiccups of all in the series. But when you stop and think of what system you're playing it on, you realize they dont matter. After about 10 minutes you forget all about them. The draw distance has been greatly improved, the particle effects are wonderful and the car reflections are beautiful!
Sound: All the sound effects are wonderful, from the guns, to the cars it all sounds perfect. The commercials in the game will make you laugh and the voice overs are great! The one thing im disappointed in is the soundrack. Most of the songs in the game are licensed, but are songs you've probably never heard of. The one thing that saves it are custom soundtracks.
Value: Once you beat the main story, it leaves you with 60% of the game to still experience. Hidden packages, unique stunts, rampages, races, vigilante, taxi, ambulance, firetruck, all new "car salesman", and so many other things for you left to do. I haven't forgotten about one thing..multiplayer. Yes, Ad-Hoc multiplayer for uo to 6 people. Did I mention its really, really, fun?
Score: I give it a 9.5 out of 10. Its a spectacular game thats packed with alot! :)