A mafioso masterpiece.
Visually the game looks amazing. Better than the other sequels in my opinion. Vehicle details and reflections are spectacular and the addition of new vehicles as well as the improvement of old vehicles were also amazing. The addition of motorcycles is a big feature and without it the game might not be as amazing as it already is.
The sounds of the game are very well done too. If you've played Vice City you will notice about 93% of the sound effects are from that game. The radio stations are not as long as previous sequels but they're pretty good. The commercials are really funny and the addition of the custom soundtrack is really cool.
Everything from GTA 3 is in LCS with additions. I believe some alleyways are new. Building details are improved and the features of the game really make the game cool.
Though, I still have much of the game to explore, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories is an overall amazing game.