GTA:LCS is one of the finest psp games out there if not the best. It is a fine example of what the psp can do...

User Rating: 8.9 | Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (Greatest Hits) PSP
Any PSP owner should get their hands on this one, it is outstanding in all ways including the controls, which i thought would be iffy. The sound is great especially the radio LCFR is hillarious. The weapons and explosions sound great too. The Gameplay is solid and very addictive. The story was good, it was just what youd expect out of a GTA game. The game does slow down every couple minutes, but no major issues. The graphics are very nice considering its a psp game. They are exactly like GTA lll. The driving is frickin awesome and the aiming is so so . I was dissapointed that there was no wi fi however. This ame kiks @$$