Been there, done that, willing to do it all again.
Two disappointments. One, the graphics are subpar. Some parts are just as good as GTASA but others are worse than GTAIII. But, it did come from a handheld so this isn't a big complaint. Number 2 is that there were some additions to the GTA series (flying, swimming, climbing walls) that I really miss here. These were great add ons after GTAIII and they aren't here. But... not a big deal at all.
Overall, the little things that have been nitpicked are kinda dumb. This isn't just a repeat, it's a whole new story in a familiar city and I think its a good idea. Not flying or swimming is still not worth giving this a low 7.
Worth well more than the 20 dollars it costs. If you love GTA games, go out and get it. If you don't... too bad.