Its Great Game But Its Not Much Better Then GTA Vice City Stories

User Rating: 7.5 | Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (Greatest Hits) PSP
GTA Libery City Stories : There 3 islands but after you finish the game there nothing to do,only driving and killing people, and that bored.
you cant swim, and there no aircraft or helicopters to fly, its very basic but its fun thats all.
if you are fan of GTA you must have it part of your collection.

GTA Vice City Stories :
Well there is 2 islands and there is alot of things you can do after you finish the game , playing golf , race, and you can go to phil collins concert, you have to go to the arena to see the concert.
you can swim and there is alot of aircrafts and helicopters, and the must greatist thing you can drive a apache helicopter and fire missiles.

if you wanna know where is the APACHE helicopter, contact me on my user name.

So that way i recomend to you buy the GTA vice city Stories.