Best. PS2 Game. Ever.

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is a good game. Not the best GAME ever, but the best PS2 game pretty much so far. The Graphics and Clipping are my only gripes in this game from me, Gameplay wise, this game is like 100 games in one. You will shoot, kill and carjack your way threw this simi tedious game. Sound is good, but some of the radio voices got old after a while and it wont just play the damned song without little chatter threw it. This game will keep you busy after a while it has so much to do and offer. The frame rate isnt the best and technicly this game really dose not hold together the graphics are first gen. PS2 game quality. Altough the lighting effetcs were good and reflections on cars looked sweet. Overall GTA:SA is a game you should pick up, if your over 18 of course. or just have a parent pick it up and tell them you shoot zombies not humans ;-)