Excellent game with unparalleled depth.

User Rating: 9.7 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
GTA: San Andreas, where to start..? This game has consumed countless hours of my life. There is so much to do and experience in this game. Rockstar have not skimped on any details. The locales are varied and interesting. The plot is involving and believable. The graphics are top notch for PS2 hardware. The size of the map and the detail given to each town, building, town and person is fantastic. This game should be experienced in its entirety by each and every PS2 owner. I cannot recommend it enough, you cannot possibly be disappointed.

Improves in every way on the previous GTA titles, apart from the soundtrack which while full and varied simply suffers because of the era the game is set in (early 90s). Otherwise faultless.