the best gta ever made

User Rating: 9.6 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC
if you haven't bought san andreas for your ps2,it's a game that you should buy and enjoy it. all the thing you want from a gta serie is a good gameplay and in san andreas the gameplay has improved and that make this game a big game in gta game serie. The Grand Theft Auto series has always been rather stylish, visually speaking. Vice City did an amazing job of capturing both the look of Miami and the feel of the mid '80s. San Andreas has to live up to that standard while creating four unique landscapes: one for each city and one for the countryside between cities. the graghic looks good in 1024x720 resolution and the sound is great. it's a very addictive game and you will have a great time while playing this game. (i am not strong in english language,sorry for bad expressions)