Grand theft auto San Andreas is one of the best games i have ever played.

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
Grand theft auto San Andreas has a lot to offer for gamers. For example you can go to a pizza shop a buy some pizza, you can go to a barber shop and get a haircut, or you can buy some clothes.

Thou the game is mainly about stealing cars, killing people. you can also do a lot of other stuff, you can go the gym to lose wight or gain muscle. The story is good, but about halfway the story lose its touch. the graphics aren't good ether, the audio is amazing, the game play if great. grand theft auto San Andreas is game that will last for a while. the main character is man called cj he has just arrived from liberty city to pay a vist to his brother, and his homes which he left. In the game you control cj if he eats to much he will become fat, he can even get a girl friend in the game. cj can drive anything cars,boats,planes.

I recommend this game to everyone over 13.
this game is really good.