Here we go again with another GTA game. Maybe this one will be better...
This game has its strong sides and weak sides. You can get addicted very easily if you are into the style of play GTA offers. San Andreas sticks to the roots of the past two GTA games before it. Every thing is pretty much the same with the exception that the world is bigger in scale. This game added alot of new aspects that weren't in the past 2 games. The lock on targeting system is a lot better in San Andreas but it should of been improved before this game. Finally you can swim, unlike before when you die when jumping in water you can actually swim in water and some hidden packages are located under water. Swimming is something else that should of been in previous GTA games. The graphics did not improve one bit. What went wrong, you would think with each new release in a series graphics would have been the 1st thing improved and on a strong PS2 console there is no excuse for not improving graphics. Example -- Final Fantasy Series, each one looked better than previous installments. The fact of being fat or muscalar by eating too much junk food or hitting a gym wasn't all that impressive. Don't get me wrong, some aspects did work in the fact on your characters performance were affected by the shape he was in was a pretty good idea. All of your weapons are here and the police actually chase civilians instead of only you.... FINALLY!!! The two player mode is a good idea but the way this game is structured you are better off playing by yourself. Extra car customazation was cool but that also could of been in more detail and depth. One very bad thing is the icons in front of buildings you can actually walk into. Get rid of the icons. If you want a more realistic feel you should be able to actually open and close doors. There are too many games that have you opening and closing doors to actually enter another area so Rockstar needs to catch up with the times on this aspect. The limited number of buildings you can enter is small. You should be able to enter more buildings anytime you want like the tall high rise skyscrapers located in the downtown areas of the game. The soundtrack is alot better and bigger than past GTA games.
This game isn't bad but isn't perfect either. It has some aspects presented that are better than past GTA games but over all Vice City is still a better GTA game. The increase size of the area is a plus but everything else is still outdated compared to other games on the PS2 console.