Worth spending time for this amazing game
Story: Really perfect and much better than the other previous series. Great characters with a good personality in the game that make the game really interesting. Pretty long story and of course good for gta fans. The story is not boring and some missions are very interesting to play (you'll never get bored with san andreas)
Gameplay: Really beautiful and without any problems in it. Great running, jumping, shooting, driving and etc. all of them are really easy to control. Cars quality is very clear when you are driving, and it makes a good and perfect difference between all the cars in countries. When you are on foot CJ's movements are much more realistic than the other characters like tom. When you fight it is very interesting too keep fighting because CJ's motions are very good. You can swim for a long time in the water and also you can stay in the deep part of water for a period of time. Flying with aeroplanes and helicopters is great and smooth. You feel good when you fly in a big sky in san andreas
Graphic: In one word "perfect". This graphic is really great for a game that has a lot of countries, mountains, forests and etc. cities configuration is without anything wrong and also cars, flying devices, bikes and etc. everything has made very good such as seas, clouds and also weathers. The weathers are fascinating especially when it rains. Characters face and body is acceptable and better than the former chapters. Definitely nothing wrong with its graphic and we do not expect a better graphic for san andreas
Sound: good. Accents are really good in characters (beautiful accent that black men have in America. I really love this accent). Sound of cars, aeroplanes, bikes, bicycles, shooting, explosions, all of them are great.
You really need this game if you own a PS2. GOOD LUCK