Nice quiet what I expected. Read for a deep review.

User Rating: 7.7 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
Well this is the third GTA game on the PS2. All I can say is that its totally dissappoining. Lets start with the graphics. The graphics have been better in past GTA games on the PS2. The character models are badly detailed. Rockstar still didnt fix the stuck together finger problems. But one good thing that I really enjoyed about the graphics is the fact that the vehicles looked nice.

Now onto the sound. I dont know about you but I'm not really into rap or any of that stuff. Though most of the other radio staions were good. The voice overs are all good except from Carl Johnson the main character of this game. The gun shots sort of sound weak in this game compared to other GTA games. But you could see that they were taking the realistic route on this one. The car sounds are all good but I heard some that I heard in previous GTA games. I mean if your goin to change the game engine then at least add some new sounds to the cars. Overall the sound in this game are good but they could have been better.

Now we move the a games most important department the gameplay. I was really suprised how they improved the gameplay this year. They have finally improved the aiming systems in this game now its much easier to lock onto targets. The fighting system improved as well. Now each city you enter you could learn new fighting styles. The car handling is that same. This time around you also have to feed your character, make him work out, get him fat, and buy him clothes. Really this is a good idea and everything but they could have made it more expandable.

Now onto the Story. This year they went into a completely different direction with this game and a bad one. First of all I hate the fact that its in the ghetto. GTA games are not about being in the ghetto they are about the mafia and everything (GTA III, Vice City). So if you dont like the ghetto theme dont even thing about getting this game.

All in all Grand Theft Auto is a good game but defenatly not the best in the serious. For me the ghetto theme really messed up the whole game for me. If you want a GTA game thats really about GTA and its real style (the mafia) I recommend you buy GTA III or GTA Vice City. You could get these two games in a bundle pack that costs lower than San Andreas. I hope you enjoyed this review.