Excellent game,terrible graphics.

User Rating: 9.3 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
GTA San Andreas for the ps2 was released for the ps2 in October 2004. It is by far one of the greatest ps2 games ever released.

Graphics 6/10

The Graphics in this game are terrible. Its like a playstation 1 game. On the plus side tho the cities and towns are very big and unique which is very good.

Gameplay 10/10

The gameplay is very addictive and will have you playing for hours doing nothing but blowing up people and cars. It has an excellent story mode and alright two player mini games(if i should call them that) that add to the fun.

Sound 10/10

The sound is by far the best part of this game. The voice acting is well done and there are many songs from back in the day that some people have never even heard of. With a variety of hip hop,rock,country,ect.

Value 9/10

The game story mode can be fairly short,but theres alot of extras to do such as spraying all the tags and collecting all horseshoes. Lacks multiplayer which could make this game even better. A Must have if you love gang games. Tilt 10/10

One of the best games on ps2 and should not be missed. You will be very please and wont want to ever put down this game.