Anybody who doesn't give this a 10 are insane.
User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
GTA has always been the best known series for the PS2 making big games with a lot of stuff crammed in. San Andreas is no exception. It is simply huge with three towns and open countryside or desert in between. There are loads of vehicles ranging from motorbikes to fighter jets. Taking out other gangs is fun and the weapons are easy to use even if the sniper rifle is impossible to shoot exactly where you want quickly with. There's just so much stuff to do with the long storyline and minor missions that go along with it like collecting oysters. Even after you've finished all that you can completely take over Los Santos and just cruise around in some gangsta car you've soupped up. This is just a brilliant game and I still play on it two years after I bought it. Best PS2 game ever!!!!!!!!