An absolutely awesome game that never really gets boring!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC
I first finished the game on the PS2 and loved it.. and now I'm going through it again on the PC.. and having just as much fun as i did the first time through!

Game play: The game play in GTA:SA is basically as good as it gets... you can do whatever you want whenever you want and you only have to progress through the story at your own pace. You can steal cars from anyone who is driving around etc. The driving physics are also insanely fun and are done perfectly for a game like this.

Story: The game has a great story and it makes you want to see what happens next all the time.

Sound: On the PC i have had a few sound problems.. but they always seem to be fixable by alt tabbing in and out of the game. This isn't really a problem though because the sound problems are very rare.

Graphics: The graphics for this game are great considering how HUGE it is!! The car models look really nice too.

Overall: If you like action games and feel like doing whatever whenever then buy this game!! its awesome!!