very good game worth getting dissapointing graphics

User Rating: 8.9 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
this is gonna be preety straight foward so keep up

GAMEPLAY: game play is preety good aiming and targeting is very cooperetive to show lives of the enemy the targeting rectile turns green for full health then slowly changes to red and then black he a dead fool walking around use the analog stick u know all basic so i give game play a 10.00

GRAPHICS: graphics ar really bad the graphics are only good on c.j ( main charachter ) so yeah they is preety bad other wise i give it a

SOUND: music in da game is good coz u got real music on the stations so there is hip hop, country, old skool hip hop and a lot more so i give it a

VALUE: it was definately worth what i payed for so it gets a