Two words, Over Rated

User Rating: 6.8 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
I hate to start off by dissing a game but pleaes let me say, that the WHOLE GTA series is way to over rated and personealy i think they are grotest and stupid.

Lets get into sections though

Gameplay- Okay the gameplay is great....for about 2 weeks and then it starts getting...hmm whats that word? Oh yea Repetetive. Okay so i shoot someone FUN!! Yeah i killed someone of wait i did that last week infact...i did that the last 2 games, oh boy now im on a mission to shut up "The Squeeler" (note just making the name up) OH SNAP THIS IS AWESOME IM....just blowing his car up again just like the last mission...hey was'nt that in ALL THE OTHER GAMES too oh boy blow up some stupid car. Cool rocket launcher wow that kept me excited for about....20 minutes sorry but killing people gets boring and come on up with some new missions that are more innovative or maybe something we've never had to do before. "Oh but in this one you can work out and-and swim and stuff." Wow sorry thats not that cool that just makes the game more annoying have to feed you're dude and get him "jacked". Yeah so i'll spare gameplay by giving it an 8 because thats how it was the first two weeks of this game.

Graphics- No, no, no, no wow can you say HORRIBLE?? Okay i know that the PS2 dose'nt have the best graphical power of the other systems but the PS2 can surley do better that this. The faces are....disgusting and looked a little bit mentally retarted. Thankfully I'm one of the people who prefer gameplay over graphics but oh wait...this game dose'nt have much of either.

Sound- One of the better things of this game yes i'll say the sound is very nice guns are right on par when there shooting voices are pretty good so i have nothing bad to say about sound.

Value- For about 35 dollars there is NO POINT in getting this game infact there is no point in getting Vice City, why you ask? SAME GAME!!! Yes the only good GTA in teh series was the first one made for the PS2 because it was'nt all that repetetive. So if you already have this game TOUGH LUCK, its the exact same game.

Tilt- Hmmmm yea tilt? Umm good for 2 weeks and then it goes downhill from there just like the value SAME MISSIONS, SAME GAMES.
There is no tilt you can go back and kill people but for those of us who don't want to hurt others / aren't obbsessed w/ pain it gets BORING.

I'm going to end this with a comparison, the GTA series is alot like the Dynasty Worriors series, why? Because every year or so they (as in both series) come out with a new game that IS JUST LIKE THE OLD ONE except oh maybe there are new characters or story or...OMG JUST MAYBE A NEW ADD ON WOW!!

Yes so if your reaing this make sure to stay away from this game.