Huge gameworld to explore with some of the best characters in a videogame ever.

User Rating: 8.5 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas XBOX
When i first started this game i harboured a few doubts, heard about all the hype but the pace seemed slow.
How naive i was a couple of hours in, i could'nt put the gamepad down. To describe in this review everything that goes on in this game is impossible. The main character is CJ who must reclaim respect on the streets which takes him across San Andreas on a myriad of story missions. Interspersed with these are side missions such as night time burglaries which all add to the involvement.
One gripe i have is the terrible AI of your gang members, i have at times found them far away from a gunfight,stuck in a wall or just standing in one place. Gang recruitment is useless and adds nothing to a gunfight or the game in general.
Yes the graphics will look dated now, but they are still effective. The soundtrack is fabulous for the time it is supposed to be set in. Whether you will like the songs or not, players can't fail to be impressed by the variety.
Now i have to mention the voiceovers, i have'nt played every game ever made. But this has the best acting within a game i have heard ever. James Woods character Mike Toreno is superb as is Sam L Jackson, the rest of the cast provide excellent support. Their is a lot of swearing hence the 18 cert but this is essential to the feel of the game.
Overall this is an essential purchase for any xbox owner due to the sheer size and variety within the game, and also all the hours of pleasure you will get exploring San Andreas.