Though you might not reconize it at first, it's GTA to the core.

User Rating: 9.3 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
This game since its realease back in 2004 has been the topic of many PTA meetings and senators. While there's a ton of controversy surrounding this game there's a golden gem hidden. Remember it's M rated

Gameplay 8/10 - The game plays like its predicessors but, with a few important changes the series desperatly needed. One is the fact that you can climb walls, back in Vice City you would hav to pile up cars to get on top of a building so this is a good feature. Also the game features something I call "total control" by this I mean that you can create CJ into different people by altering his clothes or hair or even his weight & build. The game also makes many adjustment to gun control by letting you go first person with any weapon, as well as the camera by getting rid of the look around in first person. While all this is great the game does lack heavily in AI making missions a joke, but the varied missions keep the game from getting old real quick. While the game run smoothly for the most part it does have some noticable slowdown when there is a lot goin' on

Graphics 9/10 - IMO this game has the second best graphics in the trilogy, I've gotten a lot of grief from this so it's only my opinion. While it might not be as colorful as Vice, make no mistake the cities to the forests to the deserts to oceans are a technological feat in itself. The only problem I have are the player models aren't all that attractive also the level of detail could been more focused on the exterior of building than the interior Sound 10/10 - The sound quality in the game is incredible. Like the others Rockstar has spared no expense to get big name hollywood stars to act as characters. The SFX is very varied so you will rarely hear the same sound twice and allmost everything creates a sound. Also the radio in San Andreas really sets the mood like in Vice, the only problem is the lack of a talk radio station like VCPR

Value 10/10 - San Andreas is HUGE!!! 3 cities, a rural area, a desert, over 150 missions, 200 things to collect, a lackluster pollice force, & extras too numerous to count this game can keep you entertained way after you beat it. If only there were online multiplayer...

Tilt 10/10 - I enjoyed this game sooo much it had almost everything a GTA fan could want. A rags to **** story, extras, things to discover, memorable characters & a huge amount of nostalgia from the 90's

Dispite the bad rep this game got just because, parents are too f***ed up to look after their children buying inapproriate games and modding them for porn, and bored senators looking for a bs topic to be elected, the game itself is a huge technological achievement and like all GTA fans we can't wait for GTA4