My favourite GTA game but obviously not the best one...

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
Well the game itself is a complete masterpiece. The thing makes this Grand Theft Auto game so special is customizing CJ. You see, there are a lot of things that we can do to CJ. We can change his clothes, his hairstyles, his tattoos. There are plenty of things we can do to with Carl's appearance. If we make him a lot he will get fat. One of the most important things in the game is gym, as everyone can guess. If you do the dumbbell thing he will get muscular, if you want to increase his stamina you gotta do things with legs. You can learn new fighting styles in gyms too. You gotta hit on those things hard if you want the respect of the streets (or you can simply use cheatsxD).

There are 3 islands in GTA San Andreas, and only first island is bigger than Vice City's entire map xD. Unlike the other games you can have girlfriends in this one. I guess there were 4 or 5 girlfriends in the game (do not know the exact number) and each of them like you in different shapes. I mean while one of them wants you fat the other wants a muscle type. Also, each of your girlfriends has special abilities but you gotta earn them by dating them and every girl chooses different places, wants your car to move in different speed. I mean if one of your girls wants you to go fast and you go slow (most of GTA players do not know slow but anyway) their "likeness" bar goes down but the thing is you don't know what they want. You gotta try every place or simply look it up in the internet. I think there might be some guides on Gamespot but not sure. However, be careful when you have two or more girlfriends. When you are dating one of them, the other one may see you and you gotta run xD.

There are also a lot of guns and there is a weapon mastery skill for each of them. The highest mastery level for every gun is "hitman" level. For example, if you are using a one handed weapon such as the first pistol or uzi in hitman level he holds to of them but for AK-47 it only increases its accuracy. My personal favourite is double pistols.

So there are plenty of things to do in San Andreas. Actually tons of things... And it is a must buy game. I mean even GTA IV needs some of San Andreas things.