Nothing pleases me more than stealing a mexicans car.
User Rating: 9.4 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas XBOX
GTASA is pretty much one of the best games i have ever played, and definitely the best in the series by far. BUT beside the game it always brings a smile to my face than stealing a mexicans car. I kinda want their to be more mexcians in this game I kinda want to me a white character but still GTA will get it right next time. If this offendes any mexicans think of this. If a mexican reads this im actually proud that mexican family can afford internet and this review doesnt apply to you. BUT for the rest of the tejano colony get a job (and no working at dairy queen doesnt count) and please tell me what you think. Although i dont think you mexicans will get this far to write me back because you all need to make money by doing drug runs or beating up another mexican WHICH dont get me wrong thats cool and all. One less mexican is a good mexican. BUT anyway good game rockstar.