The Best Game ever made till now.....

User Rating: 9.8 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
GTA has had some flops like GTA london and GTA 2, but GTA has proved itself to be a truly unique and amazing series.

GTA SA stands out as what looks to be a new direction for GTA. Its the first GTA game with more then 2 different cities, and it offers a feel that you truly live and adapt to a world that you live in.

GTA puts a new spin on the already working GTA forumla by allowing more freedom then ever. Swimming, food, break ins and bikes are just a few of the dozens of new abilities that this game threw in tomake it better then the past GTA games have been.

Graphically and sound wise the game is somewhat of a letdown. The frame rate isnt very sonsistant, making a drive by be a few shots and a glitchy ride down the road. This haunts the game like a virus, but wont scare you away from playing your heart out. The sound is decent with not incredible in game sounds, but great sounds that match the games Las Vegas and Las Angleas ghetto theme, plus a great voice over by Samuel L. Jackson, what could you really want more of?

GTA SA has one thing that no GTA game has had before: an actual plot with a decent story mode to accompany it, I mean honestly, who cares about the GTA VC story? not anyone i know. The story actually interseted me, not that I was intrigued, but i was atleast entertained. You will find that the story is actually a worth while experience, and fooling around forever may be more enjoyable with a play through the games story mode.

The game puts out an amazing effort to be unique and entertaining for a long time and boy did it deliver. GTA SA has a bad frame rate, but it has the thrill of fable with a GTA urban twist and more sidequests then Final Fantasy. Buy it, steal it, just get your hands on it ASAP