This game has got everthing from Gang Wars to prostitutes. It's the best in the series for sure!

User Rating: 9.7 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
GTA: San Andreas is an amazing accomplishment. The game is obviously the best in the series for a few major components. For one, as you progress through the story, you unlock stuff like Gang Wars. Gang Wars occur when you kill 3 of the enemy in their territory (marked by colour on the radar; green is your hood,Grove Street, purple is Balla' territory which is your main rivals and yellow for the Vago, basically Mexicans. When you start a Gang War, your enemy comes in three waves. After their dead, that area is now yours and you'll see your homies spawning in it. The Missions are Phenomenal. They can be hard or easy, but they are all passable. I took for ever on one mission with some Russians but after a few tries I got it. GTA: San Andreas is the best in the Series.