The most over rated PS2 GTA by far. with an insipid Rap/ghetto style and bland flavourless graphics
First off the voice acting is about a billion times worse than Vice City's. Vice City had a great cast of famous actors in it including:
-Ray Liotta(Goodfellas, Narc, Identity, Copland)
-Tom Sizemore (True Romance, Saving Private Ryan, Bringing Out the Dead)
- Dennis Hopper (Blue Velvet, Land of the Dead, Cool Hand Luke, Easy Rider)
-Danny Trejo- (Anchorman, Desperado, Devils Rejects)
-Gary Busey(Under Siege, Lethal weapon, Surviving the Game)
Miss Cleo, Luis Guzman, Fairuza Balk, Jenna Jameson, Burt Reynolds, &
Philip Michael Thomas were also in there.
GTA 3 had Michael Madsen, Robert Loggia, Michael Rappaport, Frank Vincent, Kyle MacLachlan, & Bebi Mazar
San Andreas only had a few famous people in it who were actually actors. Samuel L Jackson(he's in every thing so I won't put his movies except for snakes on a plane)
Chris Penn (True Romance, Reservoir Dogs, Rumble Fish)
Peter Fonda (Easy Rider, Escape From LA)
James Woods(Nixon, Hercules, Riding in Cars With Boys)
Now dont get me wrong the guys listed above rocked in San Andreas but they didn't make up for the fact that most of the main characters where played by rappers who obviously didn't go to acting school (that's an understatement). I mean even the nobody actors in Liberty City Stories were way better than The Game & the other bumbleing idiot rappers pretending to act in GTA San Andreas. I thought The Brat Pack, Elvis, & Tupac showed us muscians can't act but I guess I'm wrong sadly.
In addition the graphics were great In 2001 when they were used in GTA 3 and in 02 when they were used in Vice City But 3 years & no visual improvement sucks and by the time San Andreas came out they looked worse than Nick Nolte in his mugshot photo. Aside from that the game was huge so very little detail was actually added to most of the environments making them repetative & confusing. I found The only enjoyable areas in the game were san fierro and some more developed areas of the desert. Also the cars were weird undetailed and shiney
The gameplay was fun but hey it hadn't really changed. Since the previous 2 games. Also the missions were either too easy or too hard And there were way too many.
The Story seemed to be written by a 3 year old. It made no sense half the time. I had no Idea How Zero was connected to CJs Quest to kill Tempenny or why CJ didn't kill Tempenny right off the bat like he kills hundreds of other cops through out the game.
The soundtrack was okay but represented the time period far worse than Vice City's. Guns n Roses & Depeche Mode Shouldn't be on the same radio station as Rage Against The Machine & Danzig. There was also 2 rap stations which both sucked except for a couple songs and the talk radio blew compared to GTA 3 & Vice City
Overall the game was Flavourless, Overrated, and compared to the others sucked.