Without a doubt, San Andreas will go down in history as one of the greatest video games of all time.

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
Every once in awhile a game is made that redefines what people as a society view as entertainment. These games are a different take on ideas we all know, games that are stuck in our collective unconsciousness like: Pong, Super Mario Brothers, Donkey Kong. The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Mortal Kombat, Civilization, Sim City, The Sims, and the list goes on. If society was still busy deciding whether or not to add Grand Theft Auto to that list, San Andreas now seals the fate of this series and ensures the series will be remembered for decades. To sum it all up, every once in awhile, a game comes along with a greatness that cannot be ignored. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas will go down in history as a landmark game. San Andreas successfully tests the limits of what the Playstation 2 is capable of on all fronts. The gameplay has reached legendary status. The selection of sound in this game is unparalleled, from voice acting to music. Every nuance has been accounted for. San Andreas is a game that encompasses nearly every genre of video game, whether it is plot-driven action, role-playing, racing, sports, strategy, first person shooter, adventure, puzzle solving, stealth missions, aviation or otherwise. All of these things can be found in the game. Feel like flying an airplane? Want to shoot some pool at a bar, but too scared to leave your house? Want to take over land through gang warefare? Feel like robbing someone’s house at midnight? Want to participate in illegal street racing without leaving the comfort of your living room? Want to go clothes shopping? Want to do almost anything in a video game that you can do in real life? The experience can no better be summed up then “perfect”. There could be no better game for the Playstation 2. San Andreas is arguably the best game in the GTA series, and will go down in video game history as a classic.