Best game ever By FAR ( ive won the game )
User Rating: 9.9 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
Ok. Ive won the game, and After seeing all the things you can do. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is the best game ever created, Better then any game of any type ever. YOU CANT MAKE THIS GAME BETTER ! the story line is amazing. When I finaly won it, It was like seeing the best movie ever x100000000 and walking out of the theater. Im so sad that I'll never see the people again... and the missions are over... I actuily missed them so much I got depressed after I won it and went to sleep. im serious its THAT good. If you havent played this game, you are missiong out and you cant die truely happy. I cant wait for the next release of gta... I cant imagine what it will be like. but It can not get any better then this.. there only option is to create a better story.. witch is near impossible. this game has the best of everything in the wolrd, even a ton of easter eggs. I LOVE IT WITH ALL M HEART!!!!11111 one one one