A Legend Of The Series
User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is a big step up from Vice City. San Andreas being a state as vice City being one city. Gameplay-10/10-Gameplay is 10/10 because it has the best gameplay evre. You can be anywhere in the game and still have fun. it has a warm feeling. The game also has 3 cities to spice it up which is why I gave it a 10/10. Also missions are upgraded with different things to do and the cut scenes are great. Graphics=7/10-Graphics got 7/10 because the GTA had never had the best graphics, but the graphics has improved outside with car physics but the people look blocky, and the cut scenes when someone is talking. Youcan barely see them talking. They are not even moving their mouths at the part they talk. That is why this game got that score on graphics. Sound-9/10-The soundtrack has great music but would have better scores if it had a flashback radio station. After that, the car physics sound, people, and sound affects are great. Value-10/10- The value is great. It may be alot when you buy it but it is worth it. This game gets addicting. Reviewer's tilt-10/10-This game has it all. You will get hooked fast, and you will forget everything. This game is the best.