This game is BROKEN!!! I've had more glitches in this game than in any other game I've played on the PS2.

User Rating: 7 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
OK, I've had more glitches in this game than in any other game I've played on the PS2. First, the sound went to crap, only to be fixed by starting over. Then I got to a mission where I had to pick up the fire extinguisher....BUT IT WOULDN'T WORK!!! That's why I'm here----everyone has heard how great the game is, and perhaps that's the reason nobody wants to expose its faults. The glitches in thi9s game are INEXCUSABLE. They make the game, well, non-playable. I just recently got to the mission above where I REQUIRED a fire extinguisher to complete the mission. Not only that, but this is the last mission before I can proceed through the game!!!!!!!!!!! WTF?!?!?!?! This is exactly the kind of thing that should NEVER happen in a game, much less a game that got a 9,6 on Gamespot. Halo didn't get a rating that high, and it had better graphics and certainly no glitch problems that would compare with this game. For a game that encourages you to spend countless hours proceeding through it, beware----you may be doing it all for nothing...