rockstar is a genius and its brainchild is even better! play or lose.....

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
in 1998 a relatively unknown game , grand theft auto was released by rockstar . unknown to many , this game would revolutionise free-roaming games forever and spawn sequels that would be considered the best games in the world. the newest sequel to continue the legacy is Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas . as soon as it hit store shelves , i ran to the local game shop and bought it without hesitation and i wasn't disappointed . the first thing i noticed was the classic , sort of cartoonish graphics and i was glad that rockstar did not change them . often , i see/hear/read ppl comparing gta:sa to burnout3 which uses the same graphics engine(b3's graphics r better) . but come on , if gta:sa's graphics were the same as b3's i doubt it could run smoothly(if not at all) . furthermore , gta:sa just wouldn't feel and look the same if the graphics were changed . gta:sa's sounds is good(as always)but there are some nuisances namely the volume of the voice-acting(make it louder rockstar!)the voices of the characters r often too soft and sound muffled but u can turn on subtitles so im not complaining , come on dont be soooooo picky . the other nuisance is that often , during shootouts , characters will talk to u and the rattle of the guns will muffle them but again , u can turn on subs. i cant really say much about the gameplay of san andreas other than it fuses driving,on foot,flying,shooting(jus to basically name a few)and it fuses them wellllll . u really hav to play san andreas and experience the gameplay and....experience . oh , and its absolutely addictive , if its not to u then u must be a goody-2 shoes nerd! with all of that , the game has good value for ur $ and u willllll appreciate its value . warning : dont appreciate it toooo much and go get wasted or busted . happy (virtual) killing!