Simply Beutiful. Withouth Doubt one of the best games ever released
Now for the review. The Game is based in San Andreas a big state which has the following cities in it: Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas.
in the game you play with a guy called Carl Johnson (CJ) and the game is based in the early 90's when gangsters and gang wars where common those days.
Well as for the graphics i am not satisfied, the characters look a little sharper than in the other gta's but they are not quite that good yet, there is a lot more room for improvement plus there are plenty of bugs like going through hedges and going through some of the trees. But considering that the game has it's limits and had to be placed on a dvd (4.7gb) also including th gigantic size of the map and loads and loads and loads of missions i just say, "they just could not do more, the game is simply crammed with new features" so we hope that the gta's grahpics can be improved in the future. Gameplay:
Two words to decribe everything: Simply Amazing. everything rocks the story, the characters the cities and all the new things that you can do in the game and now i am going to review them one by one. Let's begin with the characters they are simply amazing, rockstar once more managed to do characters that will remain fresh in your mind forever and you will always remember them and like them. Now the biggest hit of GTA: San Andreas which is the enourmous cities and the number of new stuff they included which where not included in the other games released. There are some new vehicles in the game which are: bicycles, trucks with detachable trailers, police motorcycles, tow trucks, combine harvesters, quad bikes, airplanes (which can be flied), military jets, jet pack, and trains. These new vehicles do rock so much because the game now looks even more realistic than ever. The feature that everyone talks about is the ability to swim and go to the gym and have lots of muscles, the abilities to take care of your character and make sure he eats and have good relationships with his girlfriends also is included. These are few new features because there are loads more like making tatoos, changing your hari style, buying new clothes. A new feature which is not included in the other GTA's is the capability of rising your skills in driving, firearms handling, stamina, and lung capacity.
also there are schools which improve you vehicle control like driving school, motor school and boat school. It is hard to manage to remember everything this game has beacuse i just can't remember every feature this game has to offer but i am trying to list everything. Also there are features which are included and are an aspect which makes this game so realistic is that you now can jack a car and go to a garage and upgrade it with spoilers, nitrous oxide ect.ect. Gang wars obviously are the main aspect of the game but they are improved over the other gta's now you can provoke a gang war yourself and not wait for the missions to fight the other guys, and you can now take control over other gangs territories and they can obviously come attack you as well. But as they say "no man is an island" and so you just cant kill everyone alone so you have the ability to recruit your homies so they can come with you, the more respect you have, the more homies you can recruit. another feature which you can make money from including the classic cab missions,fire fighting missions, abulance missions ect. is that you can rob other peoples houses and take them to a garage and you get money from them.
Weapons: In the GTA's you get to buy your weapons as you know and get on the street and start shooting at people but these just keep getting better and better because GTA: SA also offers new weapons! ( A List of all weapons is available below)
Hand: fist, brass knuckles Melee Weapons: baseball bat, shovel, cue stick, katana, golf club, nightstick, knife, chainsaw Handguns: 9mm pistol,silenced 9mm pistol, Desert Eagle Shotguns: pump-action shotgun, sawn-off shotgun, combat shotgun Sub-Machine Guns: TEC-9,micro-SMG,SMG Assault Rifles: AK-47, M4 Carbine Rifles: hunting rifle, sniper rifle
Heavy Weapons: rocket launcher, flame thrower, heat-seeking rocket launcher, minigun Explosives: hand grenade,tear gas grenade, Molotov cocktail, remote satchel charge Handheld Items: fire extinguisher, spray paint, camera Gifts: flowers, a cane, dild0s, and vibrat0rs which can be given to CJ's girlfriends Special Items: thermal/night vision goggles, parachute
These weapons are all cool and they give you some laughes sometimes like ripping of peoples heads and beating people with a bunch of flowers.
GTA: SA is with no doubt one of the greatest games i have ever seen in my entire life let's hope rockstar will continue making the GTA series because these games just keep getting better and better. :)
The Good: Everything is Good, seriously, the gameplay, the weapons, the cities, the interesting characters!!!! literally The Bad: I can find a few bad factors so here they go: character detail isn't high and there are still the same bugs which keep repeating themselves all over the GTA's like being able to go through a tree and a some hedges with a car.
Bottom line: Simply get this game, no questions asked, read the review + other reviews, see some screenshots and you will be amazed that once again Rockstar managed to make another beutiful GTA game that are growing and becoming more beutiful ase time passes. Well done Rockstar!