My first GTA experience

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto V X360
I've never had much interest in GTA games. But when I started seeing the previews for this, it had me hooked that I wanted to give this a whirl.

So far, there are no disappointments at all. The game is outstanding and one of the best I've ever played. I think that's saying a lot since I've been gaming since Pong. I love the characters, and I think Trevor is the best character I've ever seen in a game. Before I even unlocked Trevor, I was just loving this game. Then he came along and just blew me away with how over the top fun it got.

I've played a few other Rockstar games before. RDR and LA Noire. RDR was pretty awesome. I really didn't like LA N. I was worried that the driving around on GTA was going to be similar to LA N. To my relief, it is nothing like the congested LA N. The traffic is no where near as congested and the AI does a good job with moving out of the way, while driving around the city. It's relatively easy to fly around the city at high speeds weaving around traffic, and not colliding with every car you pass.

My only complaint on this game, is that when you do get the cops on you, there is no way to surrender. At least as far as I've figured out. So if you get the cops on you, and can't lose them. You're dead....

Instant addiction!!!