*This review is hugely based on opinions and very summarized and may contain some story SPOILERS (you are warned) *
GTA 5 is a hype machine of a game that's made billion dollars in just three days and is renown as the best selling entertainment of all time. When reviews spawned up before release it has had very high reviews similar to GTA 4 when that came out.
To keeps things short, the story for this game feels short and rushed compared to other GTA games and it almost feels like the originality of GTA magic has gone, don't expect a great story as good as Red Dead Redemption, the reason why the story feels flat is because most of elements in story are recycled from past GTA game, like the corrupted cops are still in this one and they blackmail you to do things for them and eventually antagonists.
Technically the game is brilliant and is probably the best current gen game that has good looking graphics but suffers from graphical hiccups due to hardware limitation. The dialog is great and a big plus and voice acting is astonishing. The story although is easy to like and follow but can feel dragged as you keep switching from character to character and most missions feel like a chore due to some repetitiveness and lack of magic that Rockstar had in the past. I think personally it's the lack of variety like most missions you have to get from A to B then to C or Kill these guys then Chase after guy running away, it feels generic.
Content wise this is where the game suffers quite bad, other than story missions (69) there are side quests (strangers and freaks), some mini-games and small challenges, you can finish probably 80% of the whole game in a week and once you finish most of the basic things to do you feel like there's nothing else to do and feel like something is missing. There is re-playability with repeating missions but it feels frustrating and like a chore to get most of the gold medals. The driving improves on GTA 4 sluggishness but feels very dumbed down and arcadish like generic racing games.
The shooting feels like max payne 3 but inconsistent, if you using aim assist it feels like a cake walk with a rewarding feeling but free-aim enemies will frustrate you and you will probably die a lot because of how inconstant the mechanics is. The value you are getting for this game is par and depends on how to picture GTA in it's latest form, don't expect to be San Andreas remake or HD version because it feels too different and less content than San Andreas offers. Though technically the game has a great engine with physics like GTA 4 (Euphoria) and the music score is good whilst the radio station is slightly disappointing.
Overall the game feels like a masterpiece that will be covered with beautiful graphics and polish shines but deep inside the whole world of this GTA, it will only engage you for a small set period of time and you will finish the story mode before you even know it and side missions feel unrewarding as the mini-games confuse you with design flaws like bashing only the A button for 20 mins in a triathlon or the confusion of why Yoga is implented in the game and no Pool, Basketball, Poker, Blackjack etc.
Max of 2.0 Each- Score Board Summaries
+ Technically Masterpiece 2.0
+ Graphically Beautiful 2.0
+ Big World 2.0
+ Great Characters and Voice Acting 2.0
+ Nice Music Score 2.0
+ Good Customization 2.0
- Story feels flat and short for a GTA game - 1.5
- To many Recycled Elements from Past GTA games -2.0
- Driving feels too easy and generic -1.5
- Feeling of missing content and features -0.5
- Lackluster Shooting and Driving -0.5
Overall - 7.0