You own a psp? You like videogames? You like shooting stuff with guns? This is a game for you!

User Rating: 8.4 | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories PSP
If you ever played any grand theft auto (starting form gta III) and you liked it, you will surely like this, but if this kind of game has never sucked you in, it won't change your mind. Being a person that loves the series, I had alot of fun playing it, even if some wrongs haven't been righted since it’s start.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories takes place a couple of years before GTA: Vice City, more precisely, in 1982, Even tough I wasn’t born during that era, I still find that the feeling of the game is really good, with all that sweet 80’s music on the different radio stations. You play as Vic Vance, A man that, on the contrary of mostly everybody in Vice City, doesn’t want to become a bad guy. He enrolls in the army to be able to pay his brother Lances medical expenses (who most will remember from the original Vice City). Eventually, he will have to build an empire to save his life and the life of his brother. Like I was saying, Vic doesn’t want to be a bad guy, but after all that whining, he goes out to kill hundreds of gang members without ever being told to, what a hero.

Speaking of empires, the new feature in GTA:VCS is the ability to build your empire the way you want. After “evacuating” the previous residents, you can buy the building and develop it into various lucrative businesses by choosing the amount that you want to invest, the more you invest, the more money it makes you. The problem with this, like the turf wars in GTA: San Andreas, these buildings get attacked every thirty seconds and you have to drive from one end of the town to the other to defend it, and after that, you pay to repair it. If you are like me, you will probably only invest in the strict minimum to keep the story going, I just don’t like it very much.

Now for problems, guess what? The auto-aim still hasn’t been fixed! From long ranges, the aiming work well, but when you get close to your enemies, you mostly end up being knocked off your feet and then kicked in the face multiple times. There is also a lot of pop-up in the game, the city is divided into blocks that load once you get close to them, but once you get the faster cars, the game can’t keep up and doesn’t have time to load the little things like, a wall or a tree, which you then proceed to run into. It’s not really that bad, and it doesn’t really hurt the experience considering the size of the city.

There is also a multi-player! But I don’t know anyone who has this game so…

In the end, you may say that with those problems, it isn’t worth playing, but think about it for a second, it’s Grand Theft Auto, that you can play anywhere!