User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories PSP
This game is good the gameplay is good.The story line is good but short and the graphics are better then san andreas.And the sound is good the sound track is better the san andreas and Vice City for ps2.The missions are well done.But theres still some pop up issues.The frame rate and the drawdistance are way better the LCS.The voice overs are good the car sounds and all the sound effects are good.

Theres new cars and Jetskies and you can fly in this game witch is cool.The best radio station in the game is VROCK is had great music.Theres KISS,ACCEPT,DIO,RATT, THE SCORPIONS.So thats a good track.The game play is better then LCS theres a new fight system that lets you grab a enemy and beat him up like that.Theres new weapons.If you played LCS then you will know the controls when you play Vice city stories.