Welcome back to Vice City.
You are Vic Vance, the brother of Lance Vance. Vic Vance has joined the army , gets off the truck at a military base in Vice City. But, soon comes Jerry Martinez and things start going wrong. Vic joined the military to make some money to support his family. But, you're find yourself killing gang bangers, and doing many dirty deeds. Vice City Stories has an excellent story line. It brings back many characters that we know and love from the original Vice City on the PS2. As usual this grand Theft Auto game has a very interesting and good story. There are the odd characters who are just plain out crazy. The missions in this game are really fun. Your be driving and picking up people in some missions and in other missions your be flying a helicopter around town.
The voice acting is wonderful just like any other Grand Theft Auto. There's some celebrities who play a voice of a character even. As usual there's a huge environment to explore around. While your exploring your see some locations from the original Vice City on the PS2 which is awesome. You can drive, walk, run, ride boats, ride planes, etc in this game. But the best of all you can swim and your character won't drown to death anymore unlike Liberty City Stories. Liberty City Stories had very short missions that made it not feel like grand theft Auto, the good thing is Vice City Stories corrects this. Because of this the story in Vice City Stories is alot longer than the 10 hours Liberty City Stories was which is very good for a portable game.
There's also new side missions in vice City Stories. Each gang in Vice City owns a a couple of different businesses which you could steal from this. You simply go to one of the locations and destroy the gangs car and kill the whle gang. You can make your own businesses out of these and earn money from them. Rockstar's addition of this is pretty cool but it kind of gets annoying when all the gangs are trying to take their businesses back and you have to take an hou to get all your businesses back. But, the cool thing about this is there is more places to save your game at.
The game does re create the 80's very well. There's the nice sport cars and neon signs. The music is also very good in the game. There's the 80's famous pop songs to the 80's famous rock and metal songs. The driving in this game is the same for the past couple of years now. They fixed the driving a little from Liberty Stories. One bad thing about this is, while your riding a motorcycle it's very easy to spin out or wip out. But, this doesn't happen alot. Don't worry there's still the awesome shooting. There's the same weapons as past Grand Theft Auto's. Ranging to the pistol to the rocket launcher. But, the game could have added some new weapons.
The graphics have had a improvement from Liberty City Stories. The graphics are pretty good for a portable game. The downside is when you are driving around stuff in front of you would be basically invisible and stuff doesn't appear until you get really close to the object, this often causes you to crash. The lighting effects can be at sometimes odd. At sunset when you are driving toward the sun the brightness is so bright that you can't see anything else. Overall, the graphics are good besides the technical things in the game.
The sound is excellent in this game. As I said before the voice acting is excellent and all the characters feel life-like. Also as I said before the game has a awesome soundtrack that fits the 80's very well. The artistes range to Phil Collins to Quiet Riot. The good artist list goes on and on. The guns sound very life-like and the driving sounds like your actually in the car.
The games value is extremely high just like any Grand theft Auto. Your be playing the story and your be loving it. But, your mostly will be just driving around and shooting people and exploring Vice City. The game is amazing with value. Even if you get bored of it your pick it up a couple weeks later and will be getting back into it.
Therefore, Vice City Stories is another great addition to a great series. Your love everything about this game and your be addicted to it. This game should be picked up by any PSP owner or any Gamer. This game is amazing.