The most addictive, difficult, and funniest GTA game

User Rating: 9.4 | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories PS2
Ive just finished this game and all i can say is how proud i am to be an owner of this fine GTA item. From start to finish this game is amazing and maybe even slightly better than Vice City if thats possible and thats really saying something. I have to admit the storyline is quite weak but even though thats so, it still feels great playing through the whole thing. There are only a few problems in this game including glitches, and the unability of being able to crouch to avoid gunshots. Another thing i can mention is that this game has great fighting controls. For the first time in any GTA you can actually do things like grabbing people and throwing them, punching them whilst you have hold of them, or even from the back, snapping their necks. There is so much to do in VCS. Theres red baloons to be found/popped, buildings to be took over/ rebuilt, and just so many more features it would be impossible to name them all. The graphics are nice enough for a PSP port, and the soundtrack is utterly amazing just like in the original Vice City game.

Ill explain a few of its good points and bad points:

Good Points:
- Nice but hardly existent storyline
- Ok graphics
- Amazing Sountrack
- Lots to do
- Excellent characters including some returning ones from Vice City
- Lots of great humour

Nasty Points:
- A bit short (i didnt realise i was on the last mission when i got to it)
- Loads of glitches, more than in any other GTA game
- A bit difficult and stupid sometimes (on some missions the same thing has happened to me over and over again even on some simple levels like getting my car stuck over a wall for example)

Overall this is one great game that is so addictive that youll probably want to play it over and over again, and i highly reccomend it to everyone!
