The few issues are masked by amazing gameplay and an intresting story.
Graphics - 8
Sound- 9
Gameplay- 9
Story_ You are Tommmy Vercetti. recently realeased from jail and sent to Vice city to make a drug deal and set up your gangs territory there. THe drug deal goes bad and you are told to get the money and drugs. Anyway, turns into tommy's quest to become the kingpin of Vice city.
Graphics_ can't really complain because the game is so old and has alot in it. But i think they could have improved it a bit over GTA3.
Sound_ Great. Voice acting is superb. Some of it is lame but that may just be bad writing. Gun's sound realistic. Oddly theres not much language in the game i can't really remeber a torrent of f-bombs or anything like that. Other sounds are good.
Gameplay_ Driving is fun even though the crashes are ridiculously exagerated. If you hit a car intsead of both of you stopping you tend to spin wildly out of control which is odd. Melee is nice but you hardly ever use it. Shooting is where the real issues lie. Auto aim is good but has problems like who you want to aim on first. Also some weapons you can't move and shoot with which SUX. but mostly gameplay is solid.
Summary_ i like the whole kingpin thing and buying properties. The shooting can be gimmicky and Missions can have an insane amount of steps that can irritate you endlessly when you die. Overall though the game is solid and i reccomend it to any mature ps2 owner.