An ode to the 80s

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City PS2
Part Miami Vice, part Scarface, Vice City is the GTA game that not only gets the atmosphere, but also the period right. They got the period's neons and pastel colors right, the Patrick Nagel art-style babes, and the most amazing soundtrack in a videogame ever. I can't remember any kind of media that has captured the essence of the music of the 80s so well. The minute you get into a car and listen to Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" you're transported to the time.
The game is a huge improvement over GTA 3, in style, graphics and scope. One thing that's really fun and unfortunately removed from newer incarnations of the franchise are the rampage mini-games. They understood that sometimes you want to divert from the main storyline and just create some mayhem and destruction. They should have kept that in some way. The story is one of the simplest, lightest and most fun of the franchise. The missions are varied enough to keep the game interesting to the very end. The bank robbery at the end is epic, and it's an idea they implemented on further titles. The race missions are hard, but the handling of the vehicles is superb. The difficulty is challenging, but not so much that it doesn't discourage you from wanting some more.
Vice City is a fun place you don't want to leave. This is the only GTA game I've completed 100% and I still get to play it once in a while. If you haven't played it and you're older than 30, give yourself a favor and pick this one up.