Savetehhaloz reviews GTA Vice City, a game that allows players to relive the 80s in its glam rock, cocaine filled glory.
STORY: The game focuses around Tommy Vercetti, sent out to make the most out of Vice City in order to get back the money stolen during a drug deal gone wrong. The story progresses through missions and jobs that Tommy does for various groups and characters throughout the city.
GRAPHICS: The graphics in GTA Vice City are much different from its predecessor GTA 3. Instead of dark, drab shades of blue, Vice City is coated in light, contrasting neon colors - giving it a cartoonish look. This doesnt detract from the experience however. The character models and textures aren't the best, but considering the game's age and the vast size of the open world environment, its easy to forgive. There are a few glitches here and there, such as missions failing to progress due to a NPC dying. Having played this game before on a Windows XP machine - there are little to no issues. However, many issues can occur on newer, more powerful systems. For example, if the frame rate limiter is unchecked in the graphical options and the frame rate exceeds a certain number, the player is unable to reverse in a vehicle. I also encountered many visual glitches running under Windows Vista and it got to a point where the game was unplayable. Problems vary from system to system and many issues are solvable. We can't blame Rockstar Games for this, considering the game was released way back in 2003.
GAMEPLAY: The gameplay follows the formula use in all previous GTA games; free roaming and spontaneous. Although the player must progress through story missions to unlock various parts of the island, there is much to do that isn't story line related. Players can engage in finding and completing stunts and participating in police, ambulance and pizza delivery missions for cash. The weapons are a step up from GTA 3 and are more varied - besides the standard pistol, smg, rifles and shotgun, the chainsaw is the most notable addition. More vehicles have been added - a variety of helicopters, the addition of motorcycles and airplanes. A new addition to GTA is the ability to purchase property such as safehouses and businesses that generate profit. Small details such as the abiity to change suits is added.
SOUND: Vice City's soundtrack remains to this day, one of the best in the GTA series. Chock full of 80s pop hits, electronic, glam rock, heavy metal and R&B; the radio is amazing. The voice acting in Vice City is a step up from GTA 3 and is much better as its filled with witty dialogue, great voice actors and comical cut scenes. The famed Ray Liotta voices the protagonist Vercetti.
CONCLUSION: GTA Vice City is a must have for anyone's collection (Xbox, PS2, PC). It is in one word, a masterpiece. Vice City copies are hard to come by, but can be found at game trade ins and in the game sections in stores for under $10.