Very Cool
User Rating: 8.5 | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City PS2
GTA VC is a very cool game, with very cool characters (apart from Ken Rosenbrrg, he's not very cool), everything about this game is good. Except how it is so easy, its harder then San Andreas but it still doesn't really challenge a good GTA gamer (such as myself lol). sure some of the missions are a little bit hard but once you realise what you are doing its a breeze and thats not necessarily a good thing. Another thing was that some, not all but some of the missions were a bit confusing you didn't really know what you were doing until everyone was shooting at you, like with one of the missions you had to protect that drug lord (can't remember his name), anyway i didn't know that so after some guys had rune off i shot this drug lords head off and then a big, unexpected "Mission Failed" came up, i didn't know what the hell was going on.
Other then that this game is awsome i recommend it ( I recommend all the GTA's ecpeciall GTA III), but remember don't shoot the head off any drug lords unless you are sure you are supposed to. lol.