Great game!

User Rating: 9.3 | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City PS2
This is a great game, but let's start with the bad stuff first. First off, the gunfights in the game are nice, because of the variety of the guns, but they are quite sketchy for one reason. The aiming system is CRAP!! Pressing one button locks onto the closest enemy. No matter what, if you are locked onto an enemy, then your gun will not miss, and since most guns, can kill guys in a 3-5 shots, it's not fun. However, with some guns, you must aim manually, unable to move (not good either.) There are some things that GTA III had that this game just doesn't. Number one would be that the overall setting of this game is very flat with very few hills, unlike III. Also Rockstar made the enemy gangs ****ing pushovers compared to those in III. The meanest (and only) enemy gang has half of the members carrying .45s and the rest carrying nothing, while in III gangs had from .45s to Shotguns. The AI is pretty much as bad as you can get, the enemies run up to you mindlessly, most of the time getting runover or gatted down. The graphics could be better, but you don't really notice it. Enough with the bad, let's think about the good. First thing, the missions are great, and full of variety. The freeroam is amazing, and the 80s feel is awesome! The soundtrack on the radio is incredible! It has everything from rap to talk stations. You should know everything else about the game, so I'm out.