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User Rating: 9 | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City PS2
The return of a game that rewrote videogames for years to come has returned and its next playing card is nothing short of brilliant. Much of GTA: Vice City is as it was before but it still features a great number of innovations; manual aiming is better but the autoaim remains, new vehicles arrive as well, you can finally fly (unless you considered that damned destined to fall Dodo plane) you now have seaplanes and a actually pilotable Dodo plane while helcopters are able to flown and allows some of the tallest rooftops ever to be reached, there are also motorcycles, and mopeds, don't get hit or you'll fly quite the distnace. The interaction is about as good as it was before just with more, new though is choice and ownership, various locations are available for purchase including a car dealership, a movie theatre and more each with their own missions, see? More choice and missions. The cheats have 3 weapon caches packed the last set had, there is also the handy dandy cab that can allow you to go back and accept missions again. GTA: Vice City has everything for personality that last years had but Vice City tries to act as a happy world (you'll understand why I say 'tries' because it is a nice bright place with lots of locals, girl in bathing suits and the city seems to sometimes like a great big huge party, but at the same time; there is racism, sexual exposure, guns, violence, swearing, drugs, fights and so forth showing up just as fast as the fun). The campaign is about 30 hours long featuring a drug trade gone wrong, Tommy Vercetti actually gets a voice in this game and puts it to great use as most people he continues to work for double-cross him while trying to make his way baxck to the top, theres also about 30-40 more hours of exploration and trouble making to spend. This years campaign throws away most of the timers and has more going on in each mission allowing for greater difference mission between mission. The graphics are perhaps a step behind as they are better but they don't outstand us, the PS2 is almost at its limit though so its hard to forgive the fade sections when huge transitions occur, though getting really high and tearing the city apart with rocket launchers is quite the site, you'll feel like a KING! They are basically something special at first that loose some of their appeal. The sound is similar, the stations have a slew of fantastic, much more known artists, the witty Rockstar humor shines through even better this time people will say some pretty funny things, the gays gain appeal from their persona's too, theres even a public radio talkshow that is about a 45 minute skit of laugth-out-loud all the way events and views. Overall, fans of the first should come back for seconds but it isn't as OOOMMMGGG. I'D BETTER BACK AWAY FOR A MINUTE!!! and newcomers should try too, it is also a teeny little bit more approachable in subject matter than before fotr the sensitive folks, until you find you that a shot to the head blasts their noggins right off!!!