Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 is a 1999 game.It is an attempt of the producer to make some extra money.The game seems to look exactly the same as the first Grand Theft Auto,which was great.The only thing that it offers that it's predecessor didn't offer is driving on the other lanes.The city is quite big for the time of it's release but overall the game doesn't offer much.The same view as in the first game of the well-known series.The same AI for the cops,same cars but with little modification,and many guns with which you can kill anyone in the Grand Theft Auto way.The graphics do look fair for that period but the main problem is that in one year time which was the time between the original Grand Theft Auto and this game,there was no work to improve the game-play,graphics or sound .The game is basically the same with slight minor changes.I would say that the game is fair and nowadays if you find it cheap,and have the nerves to play a game from 1999 it's worth the will spent some good hours with this game.
My Score 6.7
Other Helpful Reviews for Grand Theft Auto: London - Special Edition
Fun Game. And A Classic! GTA London Was One Of The First GTA's. Released At A Time When 3D Games Weren't As Well Known. It Has Only Got 4 Loooong Levels But It Is Still Fun. The Map Of Corse, Is Alot Smaller Making... Read Full Review
lol well if you have all redy played this wen it ferst came out you no that it was the nomber one for time like the ferst gta this was a must have wen it ferst came out lol well naw all it is is a colecters game if you a... Read Full Review