Mostly RPG games have boring battle system, but absolutely not this one. It just PERFECT FUN for RPG fans. MUST HAVE!
Battle system:
The Main interest for me in this game is the battle system. I had playing so many RPG games recently, from the excellent FF12 to the boring Dragon Quest 8 (sorry i still think the battle system is amazingly boring). But this game has different touch and lots more various options.
Skills: We can use many skills which will upgraded and added from levels to levels. Each characters have different skills and on top of that, each skills from each characters has it's own unique ANIMATION! which make the battle very less boring. Skills can be strengthened by skills books we found on the journey. The skills books also can be extracted to other new skills.
Magics: Similar as skills, here you need MP, but MP can be harvest easily on next levels when you get the Absorb Skill stone. So the chances to use magics is a lot more then the average RPG games. It has also various kinds of ANIMATIONS for each magics use. Magics stones (orbs) can be bought, but that is not all... we can also get higher and better magics by extracting the MANA eggs, and more over... we can FUSE the mana eggs for way higher magics which cost only 100 while buying it will cost 300 or more. From one mana eggs, we can have more then 2 magics sometimes after the fusing of mana eggs. Weapons: It also give lots more variations. On each weapons there are sometimes additional magic or skills which we can use without SP or MP. It gives loads more fun to the battle!
After some shopping and upgrades of the 3 mentioned above, i guarantee you won't be patience to TRY your new GIGS... see how the magics and skills ANIMATION and how hard it will blow the monsters.
Here you will find many advance and unique monsters with different skills and magics. It gives pleasure because the monsters will give us clues on what magics or skills we could have later after fighting them. Each monster on each continent will have new skills and new magics to see.
Characters: Have different fighting styles of skills and different dialog when casting same magics.
Over all, the battle system is just GREAT! There is no game which can compare the interest in this battle. The strategy of choosing which magics, which skills or which weapon to use is just simply exciting. More over with the animation in addition, the battles will not be boring at all! And the main idea of RPG is to raise LEVEL by over battles... what more can you ask???
Money: At first it will be hard to gain money, but on the next levels... money are easy to earn. The big bosses always give big bucks. One tip.... KILL ALL THE LAMBS!... these black lambs will not HIT you, but they will give you loads of money! But since they move very fast, you need to fill your SP or MP to beat them. dont worry, the Spirit Sphere is near the lambs.
Graphics: Cute and unique. It has it's own characteristic ways. The costume are very gorgeous! For asian ;). Music: On TOP of the hill. Again the music itself bring FUN spirit and less boredom.
Sound: well ... ok lah.
Characters: FUN and full of Hopes!... bring more fun to the game of course.
The only thing i don't like is the FLYING. It's really anoying, but hey... it just one glitch for me.
BUY the GAmE! lol