Unique and fun gameplay.

User Rating: 8.7 | Grandia III PS2
Grandiaa III is game that starts of very nicely, fun characters fairly interesting plot, and truly unique gameplay. When you come into contact with one of the monsters that rome around the environment, each member of your party ahas a little icon placed on a circle in the top coner, along with the monsters. Each icon goes around the cirlce untill it reaches the line thing to signal that that person or monster cna attack. At the beginning its kind of weird but after you get used to it youll love it. The graphics are superb, the backdrops are lush and colorful and the characters are very detailed. The menu song is pretty horrid, but the overall sound was pretty good. The story is good up until when you get to the second disc, thats where it starts to go south, but the battles are amazingly fun, so if youre looking for a good RPG this should will satisfy.